ISMOJO helps your child choose the right Subject and Career
Know your child’s mojo
The best careers are built on one’s passion – a simple mantra for success. However, deeply understanding your child’s passion, personality, interests, skills and abilities are not the easiest at times. Matching these to a career is even more difficult.

ISMOJO enables you and even your child to understand their profile deeply, know more about relevant career options and set a path for achieving the best.
AI-based Assessment
We're passionate about unearthing the hidden potential within each student. We're dedicated to helping you find your personality points with world-class, friendly and accurate AI assessment.
Understand Careers
(coming soon)
We’re building a rich career library that will help you understand key aspects of careers of your choice. Get deeper view of latest careers, helping you decide in a more informed way.
Personal Tracker
(coming soon)
Achieving the perfect career for you means staying up-to-date with the latest trends and having it all in one place. Our tracker will include latest information, blogs, psychometric assessment, etc.
How to get ISMOJO?
We work with schools to bring the platform for Grade 8-12 students. If you would like your child’s school to have access to the ISMOJO platform, just leave a note in our ‘Contact Us’ section and we will make it happen.